Visual Art Lessons FAQ
What will my student learn from the group art lessons?
The group art lessons create a social setting for students to develop techniques and explore various media with others that have similar interests. Each class will begin with a planned topic, lesson, specific medium and skill building project. The second portion of the class will allow students to develop their own styles or explore something new. Public gallery submission dates will be taken into consideration for certain projects. Our program does not guarantee acceptance into gallery showcases but ensures applicable experience for young artists. Opportunities for group installations and community projects are available depending on group progress. Students with academic goals such as high school or college applications are highly encouraged to take private lessons.
- Media for both private and group classes may include: Acrylic painting, watercolor, charcoal drawing, printmaking, basic soldering, and more
- Topics may cover Realism, Pop Art, Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, and more.
What will my student learn from the private art lessons?
The instructor’s classes focus on technique and media exploration, and provide a valuable and irreplaceable opportunity to advance one’s artistic skills in a one-on-one setting. Students interested in entering art schools will be assisted in portfolio building, scholarship writing and photography of work. Public gallery submission dates will be taken into consideration for certain projects. Our program does not guarantee acceptance into gallery showcases but ensures applicable experience for young artists.
- Media for both private and group classes may include: Acrylic painting, watercolor, charcoal drawing, printmaking, basic soldering, and more
- Topics may cover Realism, Pop Art, Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, and more.
How are the art lessons divided and scheduled?
The art program features both private and group lesson opportunities. Private art lessons are available for students of all ages. Intro to Art: Thursday evenings 3:30pm – 5:00pm Elementary School level. The group art lessons are divided into middle school level (Level 1) and high school level (Level 2). Students not in middle school can still register for the Level I class, but require approval after submitting artwork. The schedule meet times for group classes are as follows:
Intro to Art: Thursday evenings 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Level 1 Tuesday nights 5:00pm- 6:30pm
Level 2 Tuesday evenings 3:30pm-5:00pm
What must be submitted in order to be accepted into the program?
All students must submit three pieces of work that demonstrate their skill level. A variety of media is encouraged but it is not required. The registration page will have a section to upload pictures of your artwork. Students not in middle school can still register for the Level I class, but require approval after submitting artwork.
Can my beginner student still apply?
Yes, students with a passion for art are all taken into consideration. Submit any three pieces of work that shows their current skill level.
How are private art lessons scheduled?
Private lessons are available for students of all ages, and are scheduled at the convenience of the student and the instructor. For private lessons please submit the day and time that works best for your student. Submit this information on the questionnaire portion of the registration page. The instructor will reach out to you with open availability.
Art Instructor
Angela Hicks
Angela Hicks, SBDAC’s Education & Engagement Director, is an instructor and professional artist with a passion to teach all mediums of art while integrating science and history. Her body of work ranges from painting landscapes and portraits to one-of-a-kind ceramic teapot sets. Her inspiration comes from years of international travel where she continued her art history and architectural studies after graduating from FGCU, BA Arts & Sciences.
2025 Spring Semester
January 13th – May 6th, 2025
(No Classes Spring Break Week, March 17-21)
Group Classes:
$325+ ($175 Supply Cost)
Tuesday Nights
Level II 4:00-5:30 High School Level
Level I 5:30-7:00 Middle School Level
Thursday Nights
Intro to Art 4:00-5:30 Elementary School Level
Private Lessons:
Package includes one lesson per week. Make-up classes are not available.
Minutes/Tuition + ($175 Supply Cost)
30 minutes: $480
45 minutes: $720
60 minutes: $960
(Recommended for Ages 10+)
2025 Summer Semester
May 27 – July 31, 2024
Group Classes:
$200 + ($150 Supply Cost)
Tuesday Nights
Level II 4:30-6:00 High School Level
Level I 4:30-6:00 Middle School Level
Thursday Nights
Intro to Art 4:30-6:00 Elementary School Level
Private Lessons:
Package includes one lesson per week. Make-up classes are not available.
Minutes/Tuition + ($150 Supply Cost)
30 minutes: $300
45 minutes: $450
60 minutes: $600
(Recommended for Ages 10+)
Would you like to apply for a scholarship?
Donate additional funds to the Davis School of Visual Arts Tuition Scholarship Fund

For More information Please Contact:
Angela Hicks
Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center